Let me preface this with a disclaimer: I don't intend for this post to come off as a complaint, because I'm not complaining. K, thanks.
Yesterday was crazy. Lily woke up just fine in the morning - happy giggles and smiles while she played with her toys. The rest of the morning and early afternoon she was either content awake or napping. At 4:30 she woke up from a nap and that's when all hell broke loose. She wasn't just crying; she was screaming. I'm sure the neighbors thought I was performing some paganistic child-sacrificing ritual in the living room. The poor girl just wouldn't calm down. I fed her, we tried the bicycle move in case there was gas, I tried giving her gripe water but she was crying too hard to swallow it; nothing was working!
By 7:30 she still had not gone down for another nap but she had decided she'd calm down only if I fed her...and fed her again. Somewhere in there she took a small nap and actually woke up happy again. I thought, maybe we're on the mend here, maybe we'll get along the rest of the night. Yeah...I thought wrong. While she was content I finally got some gripe water in her (and she actually took it without fussing about it!) and we sat and played with our hands and rocked a bit. Then out of the bright blue sky she just started wailing...Now I can't even begin to explain what my face must have looked like at that moment. I'm sure it was something like WHAT THE...?! WHO HUH WHA...?? No doubt I was panicked. Not just because she was crying for no apparent reason, but because I couldn't do a dang thing to help her! As a parent, nothing makes you feel less in control than than.
Since she was born we knew she had some trouble with gas/digestion. It's not so bad that she needs to be on medication, nor do we have to see a doctor about it. But it certainly is frustrating - for all of us. So here I am thinking that it's just got to be a gas thing. And in the end, I think that was half of the problem. The other half was the weather...
We had a crazy thunderstorm last night and I didn't even put it all together in my head until Shane mentioned that maybe it was the barometric pressure making her act all crabby. Now my guess, and this really is just a guess, is that she had some gas all along, but couldn't sleep well because of the weather making her act all goofy, so she wasn't able to digest very easily causing the nightmarish screaming.
The "funny" part of the story is that I had been walking around with this screaming baby for about 30 minutes before Shane gets home from work. He comes in and I tell him I need a little break (my back was aching by this point) so he changes real quick and takes her. Within half an hour she was asleep and in her crib. Are you kidding me?! I pace the floors for several hours trying to get her to just calm down and all it takes is Daddy for half and hour. I went to bed soon after that and Shane was up with Lily a couple more times before she went to bed for real - but it was nothing like earlier in the day.
I mentioned gripe water earlier. It's amazing. On a normal gassy day we give it to her every 4 hours and it helps calm her down and usually helps her poop better too. This is what we give her. They make an apple flavored kind, but we just get the regular. I don't think a 3 month old needs introduced to flavors yet.
Hoping for a calmer evening!
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