Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sleep and Other Things I Miss...

So, our little Punky has still not been sleeping well lately. I keep telling myself I need to be used to it by now, but then I realize at 3am, 4:30am, and again at 5:45am that there is absolutely no getting used to this kind of non-sleeping routine we have going here. I always feel bad for telling people "we didn't sleep again last night" because I feel like I shouldn't be complaining (but really I'm just stating a fact) and that I should be doing something about it. What can I do? At two months old she was sleeping anywhere from 8 to 12 hours at night and taking regular daytime naps. All of a sudden when her 4-month sleep regression hit (at 3 1/2 months) she stopped sleeping. The only thing that gets her to sleep now is nursing. I don't mind have to nurse her to get her to sleep but it gets hard when she is up every hour. We have started her on baby food now. Hopefully soon that extra digesting will help her body fall asleep a little better. As for now, this Mama is chronically sleep deprived. 

As for the other stuff I miss? Well, I could sit here and make a list of just the top 100 including anything from Going To The Bathroom When I Want and Clipping My Toenails Regularly. Ha, seriously though, they at least need repainted. Our Little Miss is very clingy, and rightly so. If I were 25 inches tall I would also demand to be carried around everywhere. Wouldn't you? As hard as it has been to give up 100% of me to become 150% Mom I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. Of course, when I've had to pee for a couple hours and it's a toss up between holding it in longer or listening to her screaming while I go I sometimes go into "survival mode" and wish that I had my life back. Oh, but then I quickly remember that she is my life now. (So, I usually choose to hold it a bit longer.)

My husband is - and has always been - more patient than me. He is always reminding me that this won't be forever. I will one day get a little more Kaylee-time to repaint my toenails or pluck that one stray eyebrow hair. Ha. Last week I tried to make peanut butter cookies while Shane was at work. It took 3 hours. The whole time Lily just yelled at me. It wasn't really fussing and it wasn't screaming, it was just yelling. Like, "Hey Mooooom! Heeeey! Remember meeee!?" I'd turn around, getting a little irritated, and she'd give me the biggest smile and go back to playing with a toy. I'd smile and laugh at her weirdness and just as I'd turn back around to get my hands in the dough she'd start yelling again. You have to admire that kind of persistence. It will be much easier, and much more fun, when she's older and can actually help make the cookies. :)  I can't wait for moments like that. 

Today is actually Punky's half-birthday! Six months old and we've all survived so far! Every month on the 24th we take pictures. (I'm not OCD but it would kill me to take the pictures on the 25th when she'd be one day older.) I edit a few of the pictures and upload a bunch to Facebook to share with everyone. Then whenever I get some good deals on prints from Shutterfly I order a TON of prints to send to family. I love doing it. I have photo albums strictly for Lily's "Month" pictures. I look back at all the pictures in those albums and on the computer and every time my heart breaks a little more. (In a bittersweet sort of way.) I love seeing my baby grow and learn and reach all her important milestones, but WHY does she have to get older? Why can't she just stay my tiny little girl forever? Because we'd go broke just on the diapers alone, that's why. 

Here is one of Lily's 6th Month pictures:  

Isn't she just the sweetest? 

One of these days I hope to get on here and post about my birthing experience. I wanted to a while back, but...well, I don't think I need to explain. Our experience having Lily was such a crazy & beautiful thing, but it definitely didn't go as we'd planned. 

Tonight I got lucky and was able to put Lily to bed a bit earlier than usual so I'm going to wrap this up and spend a little Kaylee-time with my bed and my Bible.